Buxeros Capital has acquired funding via the Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF). This is a facility of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which provides funding to SME’s in both The Netherlands and Emerging Markets.
SME’s in Emerging Markets, as well as Dutch SME’s that want to expand to Emerging Markets, often lack access to funding. With the DGGF, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aims to fill this financing gap. By providing finance to commercially viable initiatives in Emerging Markets, DGGF aims to create impact, not only for the Dutch company, but first and foremost for the local economy in which the funds are deployed..
As part of DGGF’s funding policy, a company that requests funding must be compliant with ICSR principles (OECD Guidelines and IFC Performance Standards). Companies must be aware of relevant ICSR aspects and risks, and show that they can be held accountable. In this way, DGGF makes a clear link between aid and trade.
Since we work closely together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the DGGF guidelines in general and ICSR (principles) specifically make up an important part of our investment strategy. For more information on the DGGF, please visit the official DGGF website or contact us at info@buxeros.com.